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Cookie & Privacy Policy


Cookie Policy
This “Cookie Policy” is intended to make known the functioning of
cookies installed or otherwise present on the domain (hereinafter the “Site”).
The Site is managed by Moka Efti s.r.l. (VAT no. IT-00742740152), with
registered offices in Corsico (MI-ITALY), Via Antonio Meucci no. 16/22
(hereinafter the “Company”).
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their
terminals, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on the next visit. Cookies of “Third Party” are, however, set by a website other than the one the user is visiting. This is because on each site there may be some elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than the site visited. Cookies can be stored on the user’s computer
permanently (persistent cookies) and have a variable duration, or
disappear when the browser is closed and have a limited duration
(session cookies).
Cookies on the Site
“Third Party” cookies
These cookies can be used together with the web beacon, that is small
text files embedded in the web page, in order to collect information
concerning the use of the Site. In addition, the servers of the Company
will be able to automatically record the requests forwarded in relation to
the individual pages while browsing through the server log.
Cookies, web beacons and server logs allow to calculate the aggregate
number of visits to the Site and to identify which parts of the site are
more popular. This operation makes it possible to obtain feedback on

the use of the Site and, consequently, to intervene adequately on the
same to improve usability on the part of our users.
This activity is performed using the service provided by the Google
company called Google Analytics.
It is a web analysis system based on the use of cookies, aimed at
understanding – in a completely anonymous way – how users use the
For the use of these cookies, the criteria for the masking of the IP
address have been adopted.
Therefore, through the cookies installed or otherwise present on the
Website, personal data referring to users are not processed.
For more information, visit the
In any case, to manage or disable these cookies, access the web
The information obtained through cookies for the use of the site will be
processed by Google in accordance with the privacy policy available at
the following web address:
Buttons for social networks sharing
On the Site there are buttons that allow the sharing of content through
social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn) that may
collect Third Party cookies installed by social networks. The Site does
not share any information with these widgets. For further information,
refer to the respective regulations: Privacy Facebook – Privacy
Instagram – Privacy YouTube  – Privacy LinkedIn.
This Site may contain links or references for access to other websites.
The Company does not have the authority to control cookies and / or
monitoring technologies of other websites to which this Cookie Policy
does not apply.

Privacy Policy


Welcome to the website of Moka Efti s.r.l., the
“Website” below.
By this policy, Moka Efti s.r.l. gives users information on the processing
of personal data that are automatically collected or that the user
voluntarily provides when accessing and navigating the Website and
using the services provided therein, and also on the operation of cookies installed or present.
Browsing is free and does not require registration; the provision of
personal data is dealt with in the “Contact Us” section.
The Website may also contain hypertext links to the websites, pages or
online services of third parties. By clicking on these links, the user will be able to access multimedia content that is beyond the control of Moka Efti s.r.l. and is not covered by the provisions of this policy as this
content is owned exclusively by said third parties. Accordingly, Moka Efti s.r.l. recommends users to take care when subscribing to services
offered by third parties and to carefully read the data processing
information provided by them, as Moka Efti s.r.l. is not in a position to
control that information and has no liability in relation thereto.
1. Data Controller
The Data Controller is Moka Efti s.r.l. (Tax Code and VAT no.
00742740152), with registered office in Corsico, Via Antonio Meucci n.
16/22, telephone 02.45869946, e-mail address and
certified email address (hereinafter the
2. Type of personal data processed
Personal data means any information concerning the user (or data
subject) and referable to said user.
More specifically, the data processing will concern:
– Personal browsing data
When browsing the Website, the Company generally collects browsing
data using cookies or other tracking technologies. In their normal
operation, the IT systems and software procedures used to operate this
Website automatically acquire certain personal navigation data whose
transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

These are computer traffic data which, by their nature, are not collected
to be immediately associated with identified users, but which could
enable the user to be identified through processing operations or
associations with third party data. This category includes, for example,
the IP addresses or domain names of computers used to connect to the
Website, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of
requested resources, the time the request is made, the method used to
send the request to the server, the file size obtained in response, the
numerical code indicating the response status given by the server
(successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user’s
operating system and computer environment.
These data enable the user to navigate the Website and to use the
services provided therein, and may be used to obtain information about
visits, to compile statistical analyses anonymously and in aggregate
form, to create profiles that permit the transmission of ads in line with
user preferences, and to identify anomalies and/or abuses. Such data
are stored for at most 6 months and for the period of time that is
specified in para. 4) below in relation to Cookies, but these time limits
are without prejudice to the investigation of criminal offences by the
Italian judicial authorities, as appropriate.
– Data voluntarily provided by the user
The Company also processes personal data which the user voluntarily
provides while interfacing with Website services e.g. when requesting
information. A special data privacy notice is published, in compliance
with Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter the “Regulation”),
in the separate sections of the Website where the user’s data are
collected; in all other cases, however, please refer to the content of this
document. The user voluntarily provides the following data:
– when requesting information: first name, last name, e-mail address,
company, phone number, and any further information provided when
completing the form to request information;
If a user voluntarily sends e-mails to the addresses indicated on this
Website, the sender’s email address and also any other personal data
voluntarily included in the message will thereby be automatically
acquired. Such data are used only in order to reply to the sender, and will not be disclosed or disseminated in any way.
3. Purposes of the data processing, legal basis and nature of the Data

When consulting the Website and using its services, Data will be
processed for the following purposes:
a. to permit navigation on the Website, to obtain anonymous statistical
data on its use, to facilitate checks of its proper operation and to
ascertain liability where computer crimes are committed (hereinafter
“Website Navigation”). The legal basis of the data processing in this
case is the Company’s legitimate interest (Article 6.1 f) of the
b. to respond to the user’s request and provide the latter with relevant
information on the products and activities carried out (hereinafter
“Contacts”). The legal basis of the data processing is the data subject’s
express consent (Article 6.1 a) of the Regulation);
c. to enable the Company to exercise and defend its rights in any realm,
including in judicial, administrative, arbitration proceedings and/or in
mediation and conciliation procedures (hereinafter “Legal Defence”).
The legal basis of the data processing in this instance is the Company’s
legitimate interest (Article 6.1 f) of the Regulation).
With the exception of navigation data (which are automatically
collected), the provision of Data is necessary in order for the purposes
indicated in para. 3) b) and c) above to be achieved. Therefore, if the
user does not provide the requested Data, it will be impossible for the
Company to fulfil the user’s request;

4. Cookies
The Website uses technical, analytical and profiling cookies, including
third party cookies, to facilitate normal navigation and use of the
Website, to perform statistical analyses and to create profiles that
enable advertising to be transmitted in accordance with the user’s
expressed preferences. Further information on the nature and
characteristics of the cookies on the Website is to be found in our
Cookie Policy.
5. Data processing procedures
Data will be processed, within the purposes indicated in para. 3) above,
primarily using electronic and automated means, but also in traditional
hard copy form, in compliance with applicable legal provisions on
personal data processing, and suitable data security measures will be
put in place for this purpose. The processing of Data is managed by
internal Company personnel who receive special authorisation and
training for this purpose in order to ensure adequate levels of data

security and confidentiality, and also to prevent the risk of Data loss
and/or destruction and unauthorised access to Data.
6. Communication and dissemination of Data
Data shall not be disclosed or disseminated. Data may, within limits
strictly relevant to the purposes indicated in para. 3) above, be
communicated the following persons:
– persons who are legally entitled to receive it e.g. (without limitation)
the public authorities and the judicial authorities of Italy;
– persons who, in their capacity as independent data controllers or data
processors within the meaning of Article 28 of the Regulation, are
involved in the processing of Data.
The Company may be requested for an updated list of names of data
processors, by sending an email to
7. Data retention period
The Company retains Data for the period of time strictly required in
order to achieve the purposes for which they were originally collected.
Subject to the specific provisions of paras. 2) and 4) above, Data for the
purpose of:
– “Contacts” will be retained for 1 year from the date of their collection;
Without prejudice, however, to the data subject’s entitlement to
withdraw his/her consent to data processing operations that have this
legal basis, and to object to and oppose data processing operations, and also to fulfil specific data retention obligations provided for by law, and to exercise the right to a legal defence in the event of litigation.
8. Data subject’s rights
The user is entitled, in relation to Data, to request the Company –
according to the Regulation’s procedures and without prejudice to the
provisions and limitations under Italian Legislative Decree no.
– 196/2003 (Part I – Title I – Chapter III):to access Data in the cases
provided for (Article 15 of the Regulation);
– to correct inaccurate Data and supplement incomplete Data (Article
16 of the Regulation);
– to erase Data for the reasons provided for (Article 17 of the
Regulation) e.g when they are no longer required for the aforementioned purposes or are not processed in compliance with the Regulation;

– to limit a data processing in the cases provided for (Article 18 of the
Regulation), e.g. when the accuracy of Data is disputed and needs to be
– to facilitate data portability, i.e. the entitlement to receive Data (in the
cases provided for in Article 20 of the Regulation), in a format that is
structured and in common use and readable on an automatic device,
and to transmit said Data to another data controller;
– to oppose the data processing, in the cases provided for (Article 21 of
the Regulation).
Where a processing of Data is founded on consent, the user is also
entitled to revoke his/her consent at any time without compromising the
legality of consensual data processing operations carried out prior to
the revocation.
You can exercise all of these rights by emailing the Company at or by sending a registered letter to the Company
address, for the attention of the Privacy Office.
9. Redress
If the user considers that the processing of Data infringes the
Regulation’s provisions, he/she may file a complaint before the Italian
Data Protection Authority in compliance with Article 77 of the
10. Transfer of Data abroad
Your Data may be stored on servers located in the United States,Ireland, South Korea, Taiwan and Israel. We may operate in other areas, if necessary, to provide our services in the best possible way and/or if this will be requested by law.
The server is hosted by an Israeli company, that was judged as
appropriate by the European Commission as offering an adequate level
of personal data protection for EU residents.
The Company

Payment Methods

Pitti Caffè

Moka Efti srl
Via Meucci 16/22

20094 Corsico (MI) ITALY
+39 02 45864342

VAT 00742740152


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Intellectual Property

Pitti Caffè® is a registered trademark of Moka Efti srl®
All other trademarks found on the site or mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Lavazza Espresso Point®
Nescafé Dolce Gusto®




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